I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day weekend and made the most of your time off.

When I started The Cannabisness Of Beauty, I realized that there were no other digital magazines dedicated specifically to news about the cannabis beauty business. There are other platforms out there that are similar but in the end sell products, but what I really wanted to focus on was the news, the business and showcase all of the amazing new beauty and skincare products that are now flooding the industry from seed to sale, one drop at a time!

I come from a design background in advertising for magazines, broadcast media and beauty companies and in the beginning, I wasn’t very familiar with the budding weed business at all! It wasn’t until I attended a seminar on the subject conducted by Cosmetics Executive Women (CEW) where I was on a freelance assignment last February. It was there that I found out what a big and constantly growing business sector this was becoming, as additional states in the U.S. are legalizing marijuana, making it easier for new cosmetics entrepreneurs and established beauty brands to include cannabidiol (CBD) into their products and conduct safe, legal business practices.

We live in not only a very stressful and depressed society it seems, but also one where we give a darn about our largest organ, our skin, and the numerous benefits that cannabidiol presents to decrease anxiety, calm not only our nerves, but our skin in proven beneficial ways, where the additional ingredient of CBD is a positive, no brainer. Its benefits are so great, that it has big pharma and all kinds of legislators scrambling around trying to figure out next steps (remember, it IS a big business, and this is America) in what really should not be so complicated to legalize. It’s social, it’s political– but that’s a whole other conversation.

I am pleased to present to you my September issue… The Luxury Issue.

Much like the “fashion bibles” out there whose fall season issues are highly anticipated for their exciting editorial content, I wanted to make The Cannabisness Of Beauty just as much fun, which is why you will see not only the most luxurious and/or high end beauty products, but features on various innovative cannabis-related items, which is why I love our Just For Fun and “CannaBuzz” sections, along with our standard sections, Industry Growth where various cannabis growers are featured and For The Investor” which provides current information on investing in cannabis companies through sourced articles from top financial business platforms and videos from reputable financial media outlets. For those who look toward the advice of todays beauty influencers, we have “The YouTube Revue” where you can learn about various CBD beauty products from the experiences they have sampling them before you decide to buy for yourself.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the month, and I look forward to continuing to provide you with not only interesting, but inspirational up-to-the-moment cannabis beauty and business news.




(Your beauty”cannacierge”)   🙂