January Editor's Letter

For the business of cannabis, 2019 was all over the place!
2019 was a year where the business of cannabis was busy and a little all over the place!
It had it’s share of business deals, scandals, stock volatility, growth and CEO shifts. There is even a better understanding that the general public has about the benefits of the cannabis plant and that it is not the “bad guy” that it was made out to be throughout past decades.
This was also a year where elevated celebrity presence in the cannabis business sector presented lucrative opportunities that merited mainstream press coverage, legitimizing it not only for it’s medicinal, social and recreational purposes, but in the beauty and wellness categories, which remains in a constant growth trend.
Make sure you take a look at the Cheddar media video which features the most outstanding stories in the world of cannabis. Perhaps it will help to provide a little insight as to where we are going. As it stands now, it’s a little too soon to tell.
@chlobo_ilo #cheddarlive

Cheryl Green
(Your beauty”cannacierge”) 🙂